
PhD positions are available in Electrochemistry Direction

I am constantly seeking highly motivated PhD students. I am looking for students with strong background in electrochemistry, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and/or battery research. Student should have master degree and should have strong research experience and strong publication in the field.  admission. If you are interested, please send me your CV and related materials to xshan@central.uh.edu

My research has been focused on developing novel plasmonic-based imaging technologies and applied them to catalytic and biological research to image and measure the electrical, chemical properties in ways that were previously not possible.

The current research interests include:
1. Battery: SEI in-oporando imaging, solid-state-battery characterization.

2. Electrocatalytic reactions: CO2 reduction, Nitrate reduction, and H2 generation.

3. Novel imaging and detection techniques for chemical and biosensing
Contact person: Dr. Xiaonan Shan
